Lightning-fast & Intuitive: Color Recognition

Contrasts makes color selection easy – whether it's from your CSS using HEX or RGB values, from the code of your iOS or Android app, or simply via the color picker. Our intelligent text field automatically recognizes inputted colors, saving you from cumbersome conversions, and supports various color spaces like sRGB, Display P3, and more. Quick, straightforward, and perfect.

The Contrasts app displaying information about the foreground and background color used for WCAG color contrast calculation.
The built in macOS color picker used for color selection within the Contrasts app.

Why to choose Contrasts over websites or other apps

An icon of a clipboard that holds a paper with a checklist. All entries are marked with a checkmark.

WCAG conformance

Contrast rating is based on WCAG 2.1 success criteria ensuring adherence to accessibility standards.

An icon with a gear surrounded by three arrows.

Code to color

No need for translating colors to HEX first since our smart textfield accepts almost any color representation.

An icon of an index finger pressing a key of a keyboard.


Contrasts can be opened from everywhere at any time as popover window the same way you use Spotlight.

An icon of three circles forming an intersection.

Color Spaces

Supporting different color spaces that are displayed along with colors to avoid confusion and calculation mistakes.

An icon of a magnifying glass enlarging a checkmark.

Preview Mode

When activated, the whole UI is colored with your selection which also makes finding high contrast color pairs super easy.

An icon of an arrow splitting into three directions.

Export & Share

Your colors and results can be exported in various formats and shared with your collegues and friend with on click.

Bring your Colors to Life: Preview Mode

Elevate your design process to new heights with our revolutionary Preview Mode. Experience the vibrancy of your chosen colors as they spring to life on our intuitive user interface. Seamlessly switch between hues using our convenient feature, guaranteeing your design achieves impeccable contrast and readability. Unlock the potential of our Color Contrast Checker to effortlessly enhance your creations.

The Contrasts app with preview mode switched on colores the app's UI with the selected foreground (light gray) and background color (purple).
Colors can be easily swaped by using the swap button. In preview mode this will swap the app's foreground (light gray) and background color (purple).

Contrasts Plus Subscriptions


What our client say about us

  • European Accessibility Act

    At the moment, I am working on compliance with the upcoming European Accessibility Act in our company and have looked at various web/app-based solutions. Contrasts is by far the best solution because it can be opened quickly and at any time and I don't have to convert the web developer's colors into gb values. Really great solution!



    Apple App Store

  • Awesome for previewing / converting colors (web, code)

    Until now, I've used various websites to check color contrasts. However, it's sometimes super cumbersome, and when our developers send me colors (iOS or RGB), I usually have to convert them first :/ What's cool about Contrasts is that I can now skip both steps. Using a shortcut (similar to Spotlight), a search bar opens, automatically understanding color values or programming code. And it displays WCAG compliance correctly. Really great idea!



    Apple App Store

  • Contrasts: Elevating Web Design Accessibility to New Heights in Compliance with the European Accessibility Act

    Contrasts is more than just a tool for adjusting contrast; it's a key asset for web designers navigating the complex landscape of accessibility compliance, especially concerning the European Accessibility Act. Its user-friendly interface, EAA-specific features, real-time analysis, compatibility, reporting capabilities, and productivity enhancements make it an essential companion for creating web homepages that are not only visually appealing but also inclusive and compliant with European accessibility standards. I highly recommend Contrasts to fellow designers seeking a reliable solution for meeting the requirements of the European Accessibility Act.



    Apple App Store


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